Tuesday 17 September 2013

Good scent sticks in Bieber’s memory

Los Angeles:  Singer Justin Bieber says that certain scents are attached to his memories and remind him of different things.For the 19-year-old scent plays an important role in identifying with things, reports femalefirst.co.uk“Scent is definitely something that sticks in my memory. There are certain smells - trees, plants, foods - that just remind me of being home in Stratford (Canada). They sneak up on me - just smells that are tied to memories,” Pops magazine quoted Bieber as saying.

Bieber also likes girls who wear his range of perfumes- The Key“I like my scents on girls. When a girl smells great, you remember it. Being memorable is always a good thing,” he said.Meanwhile, Bieber requested his father Jeremy to take younger siblings ­Jazmyn, five, and three-year-old Jaxon to the last leg of his Believe world tour.

However, some relatives expressed their reservations about the young ones spending time with Bieber, 19, who has been in news for wrong reasons lately like turning up late for concerts and frequent run-ins with the law, reports dailystar.co.uk.“I love Justin but the way he is now, he is the worst ­possible influence,” a relative said.

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